The Facelift procedure has helped countless men and women to reverse common, unwanted signs of aging in the lower third portion of the face and into the neck. The Réviance® Facelift, compared to the traditional facelift, offers a quicker procedure and recovery time. If you are looking for dramatic changes–a reduction of sagging muscles and skin in the cheek and jowls, the Réviance® Facelift may be right for you.
This Facelift procedure is performed through incisions that may vary in location from patient to patient as Dr. Chan works to asses each patient’s individual anatomy to create the best procedure plan for each individual. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia and is occasionally paired with a laser resurfacing treatment, fillers or fat grafting to provide additional anti-aging results.
To learn more about the Réviance® Facelift and find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Chan today.
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